10 Top Daily habits for staying healthy while being a woman busy

I'm gonna be sharing with you guys 10 top daily habits for staying healthy while being a woman busy. I get asked all the time by my friends, family, and you guys how I do the whole work-life balance thing and stay sane.

so I'm gonna share with you guys the tips and tricks that I've kind of picked up over the last couple years that I've corporated into my daily life and that really has helped me stick to my health journey while being woman busy make me fast tired and stress. 

So, I also believe that getting a good night's sleep is essential for being able to tackle a busy day. I have been wanting to upgrade our mattress for a while now, so when the mattress Firm reached out, it was perfect timing and we are actually upgrading to a firmer. And yes, I get excited about mattresses because a good sleep makes me very happy.

1. daily habits for health are good night’s sleep 8 hours 

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Speaking of sleep, daily habits for health lifestyle my first top hack is to get a good night's sleep. Sleep for me is so important because I don't drink coffee, so I actually need to rely on my sleep in order to get the energy I need for a busy day the next day. 

And if you're finding yourself having trouble getting a good night's sleep, you know one thing to really look at is the type of mattress you're sleeping on. Sometimes you don't really know what type of mattress fits your sleeping needs until you've been sleeping on it for a while, whether you need something soft or firm and for us. 

it's definitely the case we are upgrading to something firmer because I just find that helps me get a better night's sleep but everyone's different so just kind of see what different mattresses are out there and find one that fits your needs. 

Go to bed ½ hour earlier, does one sleep a solid seven or eight hours most nights? Many folks don’t but experts say this is often a marker of excellent heart health. Solid sleep doesn’t just offer you more energy, it also can help with healthy eating goals. 

When you’re short on sleep, it reduces your body’s production of hormones that suppress appetite, which may contribute to weight gain. you'll have a better risk of heart condition, obesity, and high vital sign if you suffer from untreated insomnia or apnea, too. 

Those seven to eight hours don’t need to be consecutive. If you’re feeling particularly tired, attempt to sneak during a short nap early within the day. Don’t overdo it, though. Limit your naps to half-hour to avoid falling asleep later than you ought to. Try to head to bed ½ hour before your usual time. 

Turn off your phone (we promise you won’t miss anything!) and wind down with a book. You’ll be falling asleep in no time. 

2. daily habits for health is a night time routine 

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Daily habits for health to do every day, hack number two is to create a nighttime routine. Now, this doesn't have to be like a huge expensive nighttime routine, it could just mean three simple things that you do to wind down at the end of the day. 

For me, I always have to turn my phone on airplane mode. I might just scroll through for a couple of minutes before I do this, I put it on airplane mode, and then I set it outside of my bedroom. so I don't have to think about it, it's not ringing, it's not going off, while I'm trying to wind down and relax and I just find that simple habit. 

has made the biggest difference in my life and then I also will just make myself a relaxing tea, read a book, something that's more fictional, and then just before I go to bed, I'm all about an eye mask. 

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I've been using one for the last few years, and I swear by it, it just kind of shuts out all of the light and it truly gets me into a deep sleep and when I wake up, I just feel way more refreshed from having the eye mask, especially if you don't have blackout curtains, this tip can really, really help you get a better night's sleep. 

3. Daily habits for health are morning routine 

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daily habits for health to improve health number three is to create a mini morning routine, so just like the night time routine, it's just as important to have a little couple of rituals that you do first thing when you wake up. 

For me, it's always just waking up, doing a good little stretch, getting my body warmed up, and then I will right away head over into the kitchen and make myself warm lemon water. 

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This is something I do every single morning, I don't really think about it, and it just kinda starts to wake me up, wakes up my digestive system, and I'll just enjoy my lemon water while I'm writing down maybe some positive affirmations or just writing in a journal. 

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I just do like a five minutes journal, just it literally takes me two minutes to do in the morning. It's just something to kinda reflect on your day, think about positive things that are happening in your life. 

thinking about things that you wanna work on for the day and it doesn't have to be a specific special journal, it can really just be a notebook where you're writing down your intentions for the day just to set yourself on a positive, fresh note for the day. 

4. Daily Habits for Health is plan meals 

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daily habits for health, Hack number four is to plan quick meals. so for me, I'll usually make sure at the beginning of the week when I'm doing my meal prep I will cook up a big batch of quinoa, some chicken breast, maybe roast some veggies and so when I'm hungry and busy throughout the week, I can just basically just take these out of the fridge, put together some sort of bowl-like Buddha bowl or something and it's just a really easy way to put together. 

a lunch when you don't have a lot of time and for snacks or breakfast, I'll even do some pre-made frozen smoothie packs and I'll just dump these into my blender, add a little bit of coconut milk, blend it all up and maybe sometimes even top it with granola and I can just eat it like a smoothie bowl or drink it down and it's a perfect midday snack. 

I love smoothies because you can pack a ton of nutrients in them and they're really easy and convenient to take with you on the go. Like no one's ever too busy to drink a green smoothie, you just blend and drink. It's the perfect busy hack snack. 

Good daily habits Replace diet soda with carbonated water, Research suggests the brain reacts to artificial sweeteners much as it does to sugary sweets. If you’re not a fan of carbonated water, try drinking unflavored tea, coffee, or fruit-infused plain water. 

Quitting cold turkey isn’t realistic but if you start decreasing the amount of diet soda and artificial sweeteners you ingest, you’ll be doing wonders for both your waistline and your health. 

5. Daily Habits for Health is stay organized for productivity healthy 

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Daily habits for health to do every day, Hack number five is to stay organized. Me, I never used to be a super-organized person and I realized that it was really affecting my productivity, my stress levels, and I wasn't actually getting as much done as I needed to in a day, and for me, having an online calendar of some sort is amazing. 

I connect it to my phone, I can access it wherever I am if I need to find out if I'm available for a meeting. Daily habits for health to practice daily Having this online calendar at my fingertips is just so much easier to stay on top of things, know what you need to get done in the day and you'll actually find that taking time to plan will allow you to get more stuff done in a day or in a week or in a month and it's just life-changing. 

6. Daily Habits for Health is moved your body 

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Daily habits for health hack number six is to move your body. I often find that exercise is like the number one thing that people say they don't have time for and they'll just quickly take out of their schedule. 

But it is so, important to move your body every single day and you know, it doesn't have to be like one or two hours in the gym every day, 'cause to improve health I understand not everyone has time for that. 

I don't have time for that. It can simply mean a go outside for a 15-minute fresh air walk, it can mean just 15 minutes of a quick HIIT workout, even sometimes just doing, walking lunges around your apartment or your office just to get your blood flow moving and move your body in some kind of way. 

If you have stairs at your home or office, take them every chance you get. Don’t stop there, though. For a strong cardio workout, walk up and down the stairs repeatedly. Start with a limited number of repetitions and then increase them as you feel stronger. 

daily good habits for health Get even more creative by using wine bottles or a gallon of water as weights and your kitchen chairs for planks and tricep dip exercises. 

Why buy expensive equipment when you can utilize your furniture instead? This is gonna help relieve tension, stress, and just create fewer body aches and stuff, which if you're having body aches and you're stressed, you're not gonna be that productive anyways, so take care of yourself first, move your body, and I promise, you will be more productive and these are daily good habits for good health. 

7. Daily Habits for Health is a pause and breathe 

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Daily habits for health to practice daily, hack number seven is to pause and breathe, and this one might seem like the most simple, basic hack, that might seem obvious, but I just feel like not enough people do it often enough. I don't even, have to remind myself to do it, and trust me is stay good healthy. 

daily habits list a lot of times when I'm feeling overwhelmed, I have a lot like a million things to do on my to-do list, so you know, stepping outside, getting some fresh air can even just be on your balcony if you work from home or in your backyard. It really does make a huge, huge difference. 

Staring up into the sky, like something about the blue sky really helps your eyes if they've been staring at screens all day. I find if you're kind of getting that brain fog, just getting some fresh air, going out in nature will really help you kind of reset and refocus. 

8. Daily Habits for Health is drink water a day 

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daily habits for health life, Hack number eight Drink 1 extra glass of water a day, It’s nothing new that there are health benefits to drinking more water. It helps keep your temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, protects your medulla spinalis and other sensitive tissues, and gets obviate wastes through urination, sweat, and bowel movements. 

Since 50 to 75% of your weight is water, drinking water is imperative to keep your body working the simplest it can and staying hydrated. If plain water isn’t your favorite, you'll add flavor to your water to assist up your intake. 

9. Daily Habits for Health is correct your posture 

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best daily habits for health to follow daily, Hack number nine is Correct your posture, When you were a kid, have your parents ever yelled at you for having bad posture? Having good posture can prevent aches and may also reduce stress on your ligaments. 

While teaching yourself to possess better posture isn’t something that will be fixed directly, reminding yourself to take a seat up straight features a positive effect on your overall health. 

10. Daily Habits for Health has weighed yourself every week 

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Daily habits for health, Hack number ten is Weigh yourself every week, To keep your weight from creeping up on you, set a weekly maintenance or loss goal for yourself, write it down, and check yourself against that goal. 

Weigh yourself hebdomadally on an equivalent day and at an equivalent time and wearing an equivalent amount of clothing for consistency. It’s important to be mindful of garments fitting and scale measure. 

Team up together with your doctor or dietitian to make meal plans so you'll reach your weight loss goals faster and within the healthiest way possible. 

Those are my ten life hacks for daily habits for helath while being a woman busy. Honestly, I swear by them and I'm really excited to finally share them with you guys. 

Hopefully, they help you out as well, and if you guys wanna learn more about how good sleep can really help you reduce stress, be more productive. 

also, let me know what is one healthy habit that you do every single day? I would love to know, leave me a comment down below, be sure and I hope you guys have a fabulous day.

Bye guys!

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