how to remove upper lips hair permanently

remove hair above the lips naturally
image from Chole Amayara

How to remove hair above the lips naturally and permanently at home-every woman must have fine hair on her lips and it's very annoying for women who make confidence disappear. Especially when using make-up that can’t cover perfectly, it makes the women nervous so want to remove hair above the lips by shaving or waxing. But do you know, if shaving hair above the lips can make the hair grow more and more than well as by waxing that can hurt the skin to make the skin more sensitive.
But calm down ladies, there's one safe way for you to get rid of hair above the lips without making the skin irritated and permanently gone. Yes, one way to remove hair above the lips is in a natural way and guaranteed safety. In a natural way and with ingredients that are easy to find, here are some ingredients and steps for you to make:

Turmeric and milk to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

You will need

  • 1 tbsp turmeric
  • 2 tbsp milk

Steps by steps

  • Put 1 tbsp each of turmeric and 2 tbsp milk in a bowl,
  • Mix ingredients thoroughly, apply the paste gently on your upper lips using your fingers, and
  • allow it to dry completely, then using wet fingers gently rub off the dried paste in the opposite direction of the hair growth,
  • wash off your upper lips with cold water.

Sugar, lemon, and turmeric powder to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

you will need

  • 1 tsp sugar,
  • 1⁄2 tsp lemon juice,
  • Pinch of turmeric powder

Step by steps

  • take 1 tsp sugar in a bowl, add 1/2 tsp lemon juice, add a pinch of turmeric powder mix well and apply to the upper lips,
  • leave it to dry for 5-15 minutes,
  • wash it with warm water.

Lemon and white sugar to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

you will need

  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1 lemon juice,
  • 2 tbsp white sugar

Steps by steps

  • mix well and apply to the upper lips,
  • leave it to dry 5-15 minutes, and 
  • wash it with warm water.

Lemon and honey to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

you will need

  • 1 lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp honey

Step by steps

  • 1 lemon juice and 2 tbsp honey, mix well and apply to the upper lips, and
  • leave it to dry for 5-15 minutes and wash it with water.
  • Use regularly for two weeks

Turmeric and water to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

you will need

  • turmeric and water

step by steps

  • take equal amounts of turmeric and add water in a bowl,
  • mix them well and apply them to your upper lips.

chana dal flour and turmeric to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

you will need

  • 2 tbsp chana dal flour
  • 2 tbsp turmeric powder

Steps by steps

  • take some 2 tbsp chana dal flour and mix it with a bit of water and add 2 tbsp turmeric powder, and
  • then, apply on your upper lips.

Make waxing naturally: with sugar and lemon juice
remove hair above the lips naturally

you will need

  • sugar and lemon juice,

step by steps

  • take sugar in a pan and let it heat for a minute,
  • now add some fresh lemon juice,
  • then apply on the upper lips region.

Yogurt and turmeric to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

you will need

  • yogurt and turmeric

Step by steps

  • take equal amounts of yogurt and turmeric powder, and 
  • mix it well and massage the upper lips with this paste.

Lemon water to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

You will need

  • 2 lemon,

Step by steps

  • squeeze two lemons and collect the juice in a bow, and
  • apply it all over the upper lips.

Flour, milk, and turmeric to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

You will need

  • 2 tbsp flour,
  • 3 tbsp milk,
  • 2 tbsp turmeric powder

Steps by steps

  • take some flour in a bowl and add milk and turmeric to it,
  • mix well to form a thick paste, then apply it.

egg white, cornflour, and sugar to remove upper lips hair
remove hair above the lips naturally

You will need

  • 1 egg,
  • 1⁄2 tbsp cornflour,
  • 1 tbsp sugar

Step by steps

  • put the egg white from 1 egg in a bowl, add 1/2 tbsp cornflour and 1 tbsp sugar,
  • whisk the ingredients to form a smooth paste, apply this paste on your upper lips, and
  • allow it to sit for 15 to 20 minutes,
  • finally, peel off the mask gently in the opposite direction of the hair growth, and
  • rinse the area with cool water.

Turmeric powder and milk to remove hair above the lips
remove hair above the lips naturally

You will need

  • 3 tbsp turmeric powder,
  • 4 tbsp milk

Steps by steps

  • Add 3 tbsp turmeric powder and 4 tbsp milk in a bowl,
  • apply it on your upper lips area, when it dries remove it by rubbing.

How to remove hair above the lips naturally and permanently at home which is easy, easy where can be without the need for hassles. Even with natural ingredients if you use them regularly will produce amazing results.

Removing hair above the lips naturally by waxing and shaving the results will be the same, but compared to these two excruciating ways you will definitely choose in a natural way. In a natural way, you will get satisfactory results.

Choose one of the many natural ingredients that we provide, make sure you use it regularly every week 2 or 3 times. You must have patience because, natural ingredients are not one or two times the new use looks the result, but with natural ingredients at least 2 to 3 months new visible results.

But you don’t need to be discouraged because the results of natural materials are also no less good than those using advanced technology. Thank you and see you next time, bye....

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