White, soft, and clear skin is very authentic with Koreans. No wonder, many women crave to have a face as beautiful and as clear as Korean women. Not least, who spends a lot of money to get Glass skin similar to Korean Women.
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If intended, glass, the skin has a meaning that is spoken " glass skin". The meaning is actually depicting the original glass skin, which is a condition where the skin color looks thorough, healthy, and moist until it looks very clear as glass.
Glass skin treatment is a step to maintain the skin of the face by using a variety of beauty products (skincare). The typical characteristic of this treatment is the final result that shows the skin without visible pores, flawless, damp sort of dewy, and very clear like very clean glass.
To obtain the glass skin, you are generally required to use a variety of products, such as serums, lotions, moisturizers, and mists. On the contrary, the world of beauty in the European part also actually has a method of make-up similar to glass skin a la Korea, only they also require their followers to wear astringent.
It's not just Korean women who are competing for beautiful, healthy shiny skin. This trend has entered the United States, as well as Asia. Considering the many skin care products used by Korean women, you must also be active in maintaining the skin if you want to obtain the glass skin.
There is no practical method as well as lightning to get its glass skin. You need to carry out a variety of unchanging and orderly skincare steps to get it. Method to repair skin quickly and safely. But wearing it every time you do skincare can take a very long time. In fact, the skin does not need these extra nutrients every day when it has consistently used treatments with ingredients that fit the skin state and all the important steps are, Cleansers, Exfoliators, sunscreens.
K-beauty staples such as serums and essences generally share oily skin with ions still surrounded by decent molecules. Moisturizer isn't always necessary, but if you really need more moisture, opting for a recipe that's light, water-based for oily skin can be good for giving you shiny, soft skin. Because it does not rely much on makeup, in fact, this look can’t be obtained just from last night, 2 nights, just Ladies!
If you want a glass-clear the skin you can carry out the following instant steps:
image from lifealth.com |
-Clean your face with 2 sessions, is to use an oil-based facial cleanser, and then continue by sterilizing the face with a water-based cleansing gel.
-Use a facial cleanser that has an exfoliators to shrink pores and get rid of oily on the face.
-Apply toner that doesn't have astringents because you want to give it a drink. If necessary, the selection of toner also plays a role as a skin lightening.
-Don't forget to use micro essence to lock in moisture from your skin.
Photo by Shiny Diamond from Pexels |
-Last and that means a lot, apply a moisturizer that covers all the skin of your face. This last step is what wants to make the skin very moist to the pores so that the impact of glass skin will appear. Or you can also perform a daily ritual at home that can make your skin as clear as Korean women's glass, the following:
-Clean your face before going to bed cleanly
Removing all makeup every night before bed is about worth doing to protect the skin. After removing all makeup, apply a cleanser. For make-up artist Ellie Choi, it means carrying out two cleaning steps, which is to remove the rest of the makeup with scent-free cleaning wipes, after which rinse with soap.
-Cleansing your face in 2 steps
Sterilize the skin with 2 different types of cleanser to the maximum, is to use oil-based cleanser and water-based cleanser. This is to help eradicate all impurities from the skin and without blemishes.
-After washing the face using a toner
Once you've done the first step is to sterilize the skin of the face, the next step you need to go through is to wear a toner. Very meaningful for those of you who want to have facial skin with the appearance of glass skin, not only that toner also play a role to restore the acid content in your facial skin.
-Don't forget to always wear moisturizer
Moist skin is the key to obtaining a healthy glow like a Korean woman, don’t let your skin dry and lose body fluids. You need to massage your face with moisturizer to share extra moisture. -Important! SPF for your face when you're out of the houseThe last is to protect the skin from all types of damage by using SPF. If you don't want your skin to be tanned, you can apply SPF at home.
-Face mist makes your face glowing
The guide that is no less meaningful than before is the use of face mist, there are many varieties of face mist depending on the method of use. There is face mist that must be applied using cotton, there is also a type of face mist spray. And for a member of the Momoland girl group is Jane, wearing face mist spray more instantaneously and not spending long..
-Use sheet mask 2 times a week
Image by Shiny Diamond from Pexels |
We've all heard about how some Korean celebrities wear masks every day to get good skin. Although this does not want to cause any side effects, this subject is not something to be necessary to obtain good skin. However, wearing a sheet mask is the easiest method to soothe, correct tired, damaged skin, and lock in moisture most importantly when it has dry skin and loss of body fluids. This is a method to improve skin quickly and safely. But wearing it every time you do skincare can take a very long time.The last step is an easy step for you to walk and you often carry it out, here are some guidelines to protect your face to obtain a glass-clear skin such as Korean stars:
-Drink 2 Liters of water a day.
Not only do you carry out treatments directly on the skin, but you also need to drink plenty of water. Water is useful for your health, including the skin. By drinking plenty of water, you will be free from losing skin, body fluids so that it can become softer and smoother. Not only water, eating a lot of water, such as cucumbers, melons, and tomatoes is also highly recommended.
-Avoid consumption of cigarettes is not very good for health and skin, therefore it is recommended not to consume cigarettes. Besides not good for health and skin, it is also not good for you who want to get a face as clear as glass. Because it can make your face oily as well as the appearance of acne.
Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels |
-Exercise routine at least 2 times a week besides being able to make your body always healthy and primed, in fact, exercising can make the skin look glowing, Ladies. Because, when exercise body can release toxins-toxins contained in our body through sweat. Highly recommended for those of you who crave glowing faces to carry out sports activities.
Photo by Ella Olsson from Pexels |
-Nutritious foods you who are again a diet program must be recommended for consumption of eating- nutritious foods such as 4 healthy 5 perfect, not only a person who again implements a diet program but also you who want your skin as clear as glass can try it. Eating nutritious foods is very good for your body and your health is not demanding if this Ginseng country likes to eat nutritious foods such as vegetables, nuts, fish, and fruits make their skin glow and glassy.
Such are some easy and effective guides to getting skin as clear as glass as the skin of K-Beauty artists. Some of the above methods certainly have different results depending on the skin type. So, it's not demanding that you succeed in making your face as clear as glass.