Ladies, you don't want to have dry, dark lips? Indeed, having dry and dark lips does not make a confident appearance, therefore Ladies need to keep the lips look moist and brighten the lips. There is one way and the way is easy at all is by way of lip scrubs from natural ingredients.
image source pexels-henri mathieusaintlaurent |
Yes, you can make your lip scrub with natural ingredients that certainly save money and energy. Curious, what natural ingredients can make your lips moist and turn pinkish-red. Let's listen and follow along only at! Here are the natural ingredients at home to make lip scrubs:
sugar with coconut oil
Who says coconut oil is only good for health? Coconut oil has many benefits such as for health and beauty, for beauty, in particular, to break lips and make the lips moist at all times. You only need to add 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of real coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, red food coloring, and for the container you need 2 containers that are the first container to mix all the ingredients and the second container to store this lip scrub into the refrigerator.
image source pexels-dana tentis |
Mix all the ingredients into a container and stir until well blended, then apply to your lips rub gently after that wait for 2-3mins then rinse with clean water. If you still do, you can store it in a small container, put it in the refrigerator. Lip scrub can last up to 2-3 weeks. For optimal results, use this scrub at least 4-5 times a week.
sugar scrub with olive oil
All you need is olive oil, which is useful as a natural moisturizer for lips to overcome dry and chapped lips. Olive oil is not only beneficial for health, but also useful for beauty, especially on dry and chapped lips.Olive oil can also be used as a lip scrub, wondering how to use it and the manufacturing process.
All you need to prepare is 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 empty container to mix all the ingredients, and 1 small container to store the rest of the lip scrub in the refrigerator. After the two ingredients are well mixed, apply to the lips, then rub gently and let stand for 2-3 minutes after that rinse with warm water. Use at least this lip scrub 3 times a week. If lip scrub is still left you can store it in the container that you had prepared. Keep the rest of this scrub in the fridge. Lip scrub can be used for approximately 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.
sugar and lemon scrub
Lemon can not only be enjoyed as a fresh drink, but also beneficial for beauty, especially serves as a natural bleach that is effective to brighten the lips.The way of making it is very easy by squeezing one orange and then mix the juice with 1 tablespoon of sugar and stir evenly. Once well blended you can pour this lip scrub into a small container and store it in the refrigerator. You can use this lip scrub every 3 times a week for maximum results. Lip scrub lasts up to 3-4 weeks in the refrigerator.
sugar scrub and peppermint oil
Peppermint oil is useful to knock out dead skin cells on the lips so as to make the lips softer and brighter. Not only the aroma is fragrant but also peppermint oil is useful as a lip scrub that is able to make the lips pinkish. Wondering ladies how making this homemade lip scrub can make your lips softer?
image source pexels-elina fairytale |
Here's how to make it is to prepare 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil, 1/2 tablespoon of honey, and 2 drops of peppermint oil.After mixing evenly you can directly wear it on your lips or if there are still leftovers you can store this lip scrub in the refrigerator. You can use this scrub at least 2-3 times a week for optimal results. This lip scrub can last 2-3 weeks.
brown sugar and honey
Honey has many benefits for beauty, especially on the lips, Ladies. While brown sugar has properties to keep the skin, lips from sun exposure.With both ingredients made into this natural lip scrub, Ladies can bend the lips, and restore the lip color as before. The way of making is to prepare 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, 1 container to mix the two ingredients, and 1 small container to store this lip scrub in the refrigerator. After the two ingredients are well mixed, you can directly apply it to the lips directly and if there is still leftover you can store this lip scrub in the refrigerator.
coffee with sugar
Coffee can not only be enjoyed as a drink, but also useful as a lip scrub. The content of coffee is believed to moisturize and brighten the lips. How to make this lip scrub is very easy and effective that is to pour 1 tablespoon of ground coffee, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and add 2 tablespoons of honey pour into a container, and stir until well blended. Apply to the lips and rub gently, do not let you rub it too hard, let stand about 2-3 minutes then rinse with clean water. You can use this scrub at least 2 times a week for optimal results. This lip scrub can last 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.
petroleum jelly with sugar
Who doesn't know petroleum jelly and its properties? Yes, everyone knows what petroleum jelly is but not all know that the benefits of petroleum jelly for beauty, especially on the lips have amazing benefits such as softening, moisturizing, removing dead skin cells on the lips, can even brighten your lips like restoring the color of your lips as before. How, so many benefits, ladies? So, you can make this lip scrub from petroleum jelly with sugar only.
How to make it is very easy is to pour 2 tablespoon petroleum jelly and 1 tablespoon of sugar and stir until well blended. After that, rub it into your lips gently let stand for 2-3 minutes then rinse with warm water. If this lip scrub is still left you can store it in the refrigerator and can last up to 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.
Well, out of the seven homemade smooth lip scrubs which one is your favorite and suitable for your lips? These are various homemade lip scrubs that are easy to make and safe to use every day and certainly do not make your lips dry and dark. Try to practice one of this homemade lip scrub and choose the one that suits your lips, that's a tip that you can try so as not to be mistaken in choosing lip scrubs. Good luck and practice, yes!